Linda Chapman

Linda ChapmanLinda Chapman bravely advocates for education about addiction and alcoholism to end the stigma of chemical dependency. Linda’s daughter, Tiffany, died at age 27 after becoming addicted to the pain pills she was prescribed when she broke her neck in a car accident. Linda educates people about chemical dependency at schools, community events and rehabs, including The Betty Ford Center. She also shares her poignant story in Collision Course – Teen Addiction Epidemic.

Here’s How We Help Teens, Parents, and Schools…

Many parents and school administrators want to actively prevent teen drug and alcohol use and abuse, but they don’t know where to begin. Pathway to Prevention puts prevention principles to work. We offer schools and parents simple, evidence-based resources that can help reduce the risks of teen drug or alcohol use or abuse.

Our Mission Statement

To educate parents and schools to prevent teen substance use and abuse.
